AIC (Africa Inland Church)

On one of his many African visits, Tony Sargent was befriended by ex-president Daniel Moi, a man who is passionate about educating his countrymen and women. The friendship allowed funds to flow through Acts into a little remote part of Kenya called Mwingi, which is situated up toward the Somali border. With the assistance of contacts through the AIC, and funds also generously donated from UK supporters, the building of a new primary school was enabled, which today is one of the best facilities in that disregarded part of Kenya, providing Christian education to neglected youngsters in a highly Muslim part of the country.

Pastoral care and help has also been given to the Pipeline Church in Central Nairobi. This is a 5000-member strong church, which gathers under a simple corrugated iron roofed open structure, right at the base of large tenement blocks which house many of Nairobi’s Somali population. With the difference in cultures it has the potential to be quite an explosive situation, but instead is a wonderful witness to the surrounding people who live in peace with each other.

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