Over four decades ago in l971, a young couple, Vijayan and Premila Pavamani, placed an advert in The Statesman, their local newspaper, inviting people in distress to either telephone them, or come to their home in the teaming metropolis of Kolkata. From their experience of helping distressed people, Vijayan and Premila founded The Arunoday Midway Home in 1978, the first residential rehabilitation centre for recovering addicts and alcoholics in India, and the Calcutta Emmanuel School – a free school for the poorest children who could not even dream of an education.
Emanuel Ministries Calcutta was founded in 1985 as an umbrella organization to host projects that fight poverty and social injustice. Across the city of Kolkata (Calcutta), Emanuel Ministries spreads its wings, drawing in the poorest and most vulnerable, with Christian love and care, raising people’s hope and giving them a future. This is a wonderful partnership with Acts, who together have helped many people and projects, and encouraged the development and ethos of such loving care.
Do come on board and help us as we raise funds for drug & alcohol addict rehabilitation, street and railway children, care and education, prostitute rescue projects, education for the poor, and micro credits, which help to either get people started in business projects, or out of crippling debt. This is truly an amazing ministry, based just around the corner from Mother Teresa’s headquarters, and staffed with such long term dedicated people, committed to serving the poor in one of the world’s most needy cities.